07.22.2024 | Turris Product and Feature Update

Published on
July 22, 2024
Feature Updates


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At Turris, we are committed to maintaining a continuous dialogue with our customers and the insurance community. With our upcoming bi-weekly updates, we aim to keep you informed about our latest features and products designed to streamline your insurance operations.

As a quick reminder (or as an introduction if you don’t know about us), Turris is building payment and compliance workflows for the insurance space. Our ultimate vision is to create a platform where insurance organizations can either manage all of these tasks or select specific solutions that seamlessly integrate with their existing technologies and processes. Our unique insight comes from our experience as former MGA operators, where we struggled to find solutions that met our needs.

Moving Out of Beta

In June, we graduated our first product workflow out of beta. Our amazing design partners guided us as to their needs in this initial workflow, and we were thrilled to see it in their hands!

This workflow enables MGAs and carriers to quickly onboard new independent agents and check their licensing and line of authority status to sell the MGA or carrier’s insurance products.

Three Big Feature Improvements

  1. Even Faster Onboarding of Independent Agents
  2. Enhanced Analytics that Extend to Individual Agents
  3. NPN (National Producer Number) Validation
Even Faster Onboarding of Independent Agents

While our first iteration substantially improved the agent onboarding process, customer feedback enabled us to make it even more efficient, reducing the process from nine steps to six. Agents love how easy it is to onboard with an MGA or carrier that partners with Turris!

Enhanced Analytics that Extend to Individual Agents

We’ve extended the compliance analytics capabilities to individual agents. Now, MGAs and carriers can inspect each individual agent for licensing and compliance status, not just the agency and the DRLP (Designated Responsible Licensed Producer), leading to better overall compliance across an MGA or carrier’s sales force.

NPN (National Producer Number) Validation

Agents can now immediately validate the NPN number they enter (for an agency or an agent) at the time of entry. This significantly reduces the need for the MGA or carrier personnel to track down and fix erroneous NPN numbers from their agency reps.

More Coming Soon!

We’ll have another product and feature update in a couple of weeks with some of our most requested feature enhancements and additions!

If you’re not currently working with us and would like to see how Turris can help your organization onboard and track agent licensing status more efficiently, reach out for a demo by CLICKING HERE.

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